Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's Almost Over..........

Well it's almost over YaaaaaaaY!!!!!!!!!! Two more weeks to go to be here @ Kaplan. I have decided that I'm not going to continue my education here any longer. I've been looking into some schools that will allow me to transfer all my credits. Kaplan is a good school but I have had nothing but problems since my second term. When things start affecting my grades it's time to go and not look back. Hopefully I can find a school that will transfer my credits quick because we only have two weeks left. Well good luck to everyone your almost done.



  1. Hello Nicole,
    I am very sorry that you are having such a problem with kaplan as I am having problems of my own, I feel that if I can just hang in there things will get better as they will with a little faith and positive drive I am not saying that you don't have the drive I am just saying don't give up as the devil always have a negative way of showing us that we can not make it, but God is above him and he won't let him win. Good luck in the future and stay positive, hope you find a good school of your liking that will make you happy.

  2. Hello Nickola,

    I hate to see you leaving us here at Kaplan University. I've enjoyed spending this semester talking to you and reading your posts as well. Finding another school can be tough especially at the last moment. I hope when you finally decide the right school you want to attend you will not have any problems. Good luck Nickola, talk to you soon in the future!

  3. Malinda the devil has been working overtime on me but I refuse to let him win. The only reason why I want to leave Kaplan is because of the same situation keeps happening, I over looked it the first few times but I just feel like I can't keep letting the same thing happen and not do anything about it. Since none of the staff or my advisor can fix it this problem then it's time for me to make my exit.Domienike you have never been so right it is hard to find a school especially one that will transfer all my credits and I have a lot, like I said in earlier weeks I'm only a few months away from my degree. I don't know I just feel like if I'm paying money for something I want the best this my education we talking about it take that very serious. I'm not going to just leave without finding another school though.


  4. Hi Nichole, I see that you have made your decision to leave Kaplan.I hope that you find another school that you might like,and helps you out a little better. I have enjoyed reading yor post on the discussion board and chatting with you through our blogs.Good luck to you.
